London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Outwork—(Sections 110 and 111)

Nature of WorkSection 110Section 111
No. of out-workers in August list required by Sect. 110 (1) (c)No. of cases of default in sending list to the CouncilNo. of prosecutions for failure to supply listsNo. of instances of work in unwholesome premisesNotices servedProsecutions
Wearing 1 Making, etc. apparel )28
Curtains and Furniture Hangings1
Cardboard Boxes3
Household Linen1
Brass and brass articles1

Outworkers.—Twice yearly, February and August, the
Factory Act requires all employers of outworkers to forward to the
Local Authority a list giving the names and addresses of all
employed in homework during the previous six months.
Notifications received from Greenwich firms of: —
(a) Outworkers resident in the Borough 14
(b) Outworkers resident outside the Borough 20
Notifications received from firms outside the Borough of: —
Outworkers resident in the Borough 48
Total number of Greenwich residents employed as
outworkers (as given in August list) 40
Premises where homework is carried on were visited on 72
occasions by the Lady Public Health Inspector. In no instance
was it necessary to take action because of infectious disease.
Defective Dwellings.—Repairs.—With regard to houses
found not to be in a reasonable state of repair, the following procedure,
classified under two headings is generally adopted: —
(1) Complaints from or on behalf of the occupier.—The
District Public Health Inspector makes inspection and an intimation
is sent to the owner specifying the defect and nature of nuisance
found. Where necessary, the circumstances are reported to the