London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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9. Prophylaxis
(a) Immunisation and Vaccination
(Children under 5 years)
Diphtheria immunisation (completed cases) 9
Whooping Cough immunisation (completed cases) 1
Combined Antigen (Diphtheria and Whooping Cough) 8
Combined Antigen (Diphtheria and Tetanus) 16
Triple Antigen (Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and
Tetanus) 701
Tetanus immunisation 9
Vaccination (Smallpox) 538
(b) B.C.G. Vaccination
(Children 13 years old at Greenwich Schools)
No. of Children 13 years old 2,012
No. for whom parental consent was obtained 1,655
No. of negative reactors vaccinated 1,337
No. of positive reactors X-rayed 68
(c) Poliomyelitis Inoculation
(Children born 1943-1961 resident or attending Greenwich schools)
(i) Two injections given during year 1,354
(ii) Third injection given during year 1,679
(iii) Fourth injection (Children 5-12 years) 3,802
(Others—mainly adults 16-40 years living or working in Greenwich
and Exp. Mothers)
(i) Two injections given during year 378
(ii) Third injection given during year 1,163
10. District Nursing
The staff of the Queens District Nursing Association for Charlton
and Blackheath made 26,247 visits during the year.
Visits carried out by the Ranyard Nurses and the Nursing Sisters
of St. John the Divine were additional to those quoted above.

11. School Health Service

VisionSpecial InvestigationMinors Ailments Clinics
No. of Attendances44440341,172
No. of New Cases250359,549
No. of Glasses prescribed102
Note:As appropriate, children from Greenwich also attend special clinics in Deptford and Woolwich.