London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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existing dwellings under the Housing Act, 1949, and that more
attention should be directed to Parts II and III of the Housing Act,
1936, regarding unfit houses and clearance areas.
Housing Act, 1949—Improvement Grants.—Section 20 of the
Housing Act, 1949, empowered local authorities to make grants to
private owners for improvements and conversions involving a
maximum cost of £800 where it could be shown that the dwellings
would provide satisfactory accommodation for at least 30 years.
By Section 16 of the Housing Repairs and Rents Act, 1954, this
period was modified to 'more than fifteen years' where circumstances
made it a matter of expediency and the clause stipulating a
maximum cost of £800 was substituted by a provision granting a
maximum of half the cost or £400, whichever is the less. Nevertheless,
where conditions justify it, the local authority may, with the
Minister's approval, pay higher improvement grants.
In April of the current year, the Council decided to implement
this part of the above Act and 2 grants were so made.
Procedure under Housing Act, 1936.—The following
representations were made under Part II of the above Act during
Section 12—Parts of buildings unfit for human habitation, i.e.,
rooms being more than 3 ft. below the surface of
adjoining ground and not complying with the Local
Authority's Regulations.
3, Royal Place, S.E.10.
37, Albury Street, S.E.8.
Slum Clearance.—The following two areas which had been
represented by the Council under Part III of the above Act were
confirmed by the Minister during the year:—
Area No. of Persons to be Confirmation
Properties Displaced Date
Roan Street 4 11 Children 10th Feb. 1955
Haddo Street No.l
Haddo Street No.2 173 Adults
Haddo Street No.3 56 37 Children 18th Nov. 1955
Haddo Street No.4
Joint proposals by the London County Council and the Greenwich
Borough Council for action under Parts II and III of the Housing
Act, 1936, in accordance with Section 1 of the Housing Repairs and
Rents Act, 1954, were submitted to the Minister of Housing and
Local Government in the form prescribed as follows:—