London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Rehabilitation is a difficult but very important factor in
recovery. The demand for light work far exceeds the supply, and
it is easy for a recovering patient to lose heart because there is no
suitable work available. To some extent the Ministry of Labour
is able to deal with this problem, but direct and personal contact
with local firms is invaluable. The patient often needs help in
dealing with factors at home, or at work, which may lead to a
recurrence of the illness.
The Handicraft Class held twice a week at the Clinic, under the
supervision of a London County Council instructress, provides
diversional therapy for those unable to work, and in some cases can
be used as training for home work for those unable to compete in
the labour market.
In addition to financial help for individual patients, the Care
Committee finance an annual New Year Party and summer outing
to the seaside, and make periodical gifts of food to the permanent
invalids. At Christmas, postal orders are sent to all patients in
hospital or sanitorium and to certain patients at home.