London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Repair of War Damaged Dwellings.—Reinstatement on
behalf of owners continued until July when the Council were
directed to end this method. At that time there were no War
Damaged dwellings remaining below 'Serial 25 Standard'.
Council Housing Estates.—In the development of the
Cherry Orchard Estate, a further 28 houses of traditional type in
Marlborough Lane were completed and occupied at the end of
June whilst four blocks of flats comprising 64 dwellings in Shirley
House Drive were ready for occupation in October. The 24 flats
at East Mascalls, specially built for aged persons, were completed
and allocated during August.
In addition, the Council pressed ahead with the rebuilding of
its war damaged property and by the end of the year 43 houses had
been re-built on its various estates.
Work on 74 flats in Victoria Way was commenced towards the
end of the year and it is hoped that these may be occupied before
the end of 1949.
Approximately 272 flats are still to be erected on the Cherry
Orchard Estate and work on these is in progress. A further 5
blocks of flats comprising 72 dwellings at Victoria Way (North) are
With regard to future housing development, the sites at
Tuskar Street, Coldbath Street and Springfields have been under
consideration by the Council and it is hoped that one or more of
these areas will be in hand by the end of 1949.
New Housing Accommodation.—The undermentioned dwellings
were occupied during the year:—
L.C.C. Estates (Permanent Houses) 588
„ „ („ „ rebuilt) 18
„ „ („ Flats) 88
„ „ („ „ rebuilt) 46
Borough Council (Permanent Houses) 28
„ „ („ „ rebuilt) 43
„ „ („ „ Flats) 88
Private Enterprise (Permanent Houses) 15
„ „ („ „ rebuilt) 95