London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Inspection and Supervision of Food.
Milk Supply.—This is obtained from farms, and supply
companies situate outside the Borough. Almost the whole of the
milk consumed is now Pasteurised.
Milk and Dairies (Amendment) Act, 1922—Milk and
Dairies Order, 1926.—At the commencement of the year, there
were 194 purveyors of milk on the Register of Dairies and Milkshops.
8 new applications have been received during the year and added
to the Register, thus leaving a total of 202 purveyors and dairy
premises registered.
Special attention has again been given to dairy premises to
ensure that the provisions of the Milk and Dairies Order have
been observed, particularly with regard to washing and cleansing
of milk vessels and utensils. In all, 298 visits of inspection were
made as a result of which the following defects, etc., were noted
and remedied:—
Action taken re dairy premises.
New Fans 2
Offensive Accumulation Removed 2
Bottling Tank Overhauled 1
Vehicles Renovated 2
Dairies Cleansed and Limewashed 13
Dustbins Supplied 2
Yard Paved 1
Milk (Special Designations) Orders, 1936 and 1938.—
These orders regulate the issue of licences for the sale of milks known
as Tuberculin Tested, Accredited, and. Pasteurised. During the
year the following licences were granted
Distribution of Tuberculin Tested Milk 10
„ „ Pasteurised Milk 26
Pasteurising Process 2
*Supplementary Licences 4
*Supplementary Licences are granted in cases of Traders whose
licensed premises are situated outside the District, but who sell within the