London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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Closing Orders were made by the Magistrate in 6 cases and
Costs amounting to £16 16s. 0d. were awarded to the Council.
In 33 cases the summonses were withdrawn owing to the
nuisances being abated prior to the date of hearing, the defendants
paying costs varying from £1 11s. 6d. to £2 5s. 0d.
The proceedings in one case were adjourned sine die.
(5) Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act.
During the year 44 certificates of disrepair were issued to
tenants and 7 certificates of fitness were subsequently issued to
property owners.
(6) Swimming Baths.
During the year one sample of water was collected from the
Council's Swimming Bath and submitted for chemical and
bacteriological examination. The sample was reported to be
satisfactory and the water safe for bathing purposes.
(7) Factories, Workshops and Workplaces.
During the year a total of 2,391 inspections were made to
factories and workplaces in the Borough, the number of which
exceeds 1,500.
Efforts have been made to improve conditions in a number of
factories which as a result of the war had fallen below the standards
required under the Factories Acts. The Inspector has paid special
attention to the Defence Regulations with a view to preventing the
conversion of dwellinghouses and flats for factory purposes.
A number of complaints with regard to noise and smoke
attributable to the increasing introduction of power machinery have
been made. The solution of this problem would appear to be the
separation of factories and houses, a difficult matter in a densely
congested Borough.
In a number of factories in the Borough canteens have been
introduced and these have been periodically inspected and advice
given where necessary with regard to matters of hygiene.