London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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Scabies. The figures represent a considerable
increase in Scabies, the incidence of which had been
low for some years previously.
Personal Cleansing Station.
The Personal Cleansing Station continues to serve
a useful purpose as part of the Council's scheme for
the destruction of insect pests. The baths are
available for women every afternoon from Monday
to Friday. During the year 57 men. 13 women
and 14 children had 88 baths and their clothing
was disinfected for vermin, and 133 men, 145 women
and 36 young children had treatment, in addition to
baths and disinfection, on a total of 526 occasions,
for Scabies.
By arrangement with the Shoreditch and Stepney
Borough Councils, residents in those boroughs have
been dealt with at the Personal Cleansing Station
during the year as follows :—
Persons Baths
Scabies 155 396
Vermin 5 5
Cleansing1 1
These figures are included in the foregoing figures
of total work done at the Station.
Care of Aged and Infirm Persons.
During the year, no action was found necessary
under this section.
Food Poisoning has been notifiable throughout
London since 1932. During the past year, 29 cases
were notified. Of these cases, 11 were attributed to
eating fish of various kinds, including shell fish and
tinned, and 15 to meat and 1 to tinned tomatoes, 1
to ice cream, 1 to infection by organisms of the
Salmonella group, the food in question not beingtraced.