London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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(2) Number of dwelling-houses demolished in
pursuance of Demolition Orders Nil
(D) Proceedings under Section 20 of the Housing
Act, 1930 :—
(1) Number of separate tenements or
ground rooms in respect of which Closing
Orders were made Nil
(2) Number of separate tenements or
ground rooms in respect of which Closing
Orders were determined, the tenement or
room having been rendered fit Nil
4. Housing Act, 1935—Overcrowding.
(a) (i) No. of dwellings overcrowded at end of year 3,610
(ii) No. of families dwelling therein 3,610
(iii) No. of persons dwelling therein 18,714
(b) No. of new cases of overcrowding reported during
year 177
(c) (i) No. of cases of overcrowding relieved
during year 461
(ii) No. of persons concerned in such cases 2,253
(d) Particulars of any cases in which dwelling-houses
have again become overcrowded after local
authority has taken steps for abatement
of overcrowding 4
(e) Any other particulars with respect to
crowding conditions upon which the M.O.H.
may consider it desirable to report -