London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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of the composition of the relieved cases, together
with the number of equivalent adults involved:—
Families Equivalent adults
Rehoused by London County Council :
(49 in connection with Clearance
Areas) 170 821
Rehoused by Borough Council:
(13 in connection with Clearance
Areas) 19 107
Rehoused by Housing Association 6 40
Rehoused by others 19 97
Moved without trace 225 1,068
Alterations in families (by deaths,
marriages—arrangements for members
of family to sleep out, etc.) 22 120
Total 461 2,253
The 3,610 families remaining on the register at
the end of 1936 comprised 18,714 equivalent adults.
In connection with the relief of overcrowding,
the London County Council has devised a system
of certification on the part of the Borough Council
which gives preferential consideration to an applicant
for housing accommodation who is living under
overcrowded conditions. From the inception of the
scheme at the end of April, 1936, 456 cases were so
certified. Notification was received from the
London County Council in respect of 30 cases that
the applications had been cancelled for various
reasons, and that 73 cases had been accommodated.
The appointed day when overcrowding becomes
an offence and the machinery for dealing with it
comes into force, has not yet been fixed for this
Borough. It is not therefore possible to deal with