London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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Public Health (Tuberculosis) Regulations, 1930. PART I.—SUMMARY OF NOTIFICATIONS during the period from the 1st January, 1934, to the 29th December, 1934, in the area of the Metropolitan Borough of Bethnal Green.

AGE PERIODSFormal Notifications
Number of Primary Notifications of new cases of tuberculosisTotal Notifications
0—1—5—10—15—20—25-35-45—55—65—total fall ages)
Pulmonary Males...1115161616910479101
Non-Pulmonary Males...32131...12...21521
„ „ Females1...2...3141...1...1316

PART II.—SUPPLEMENTAL RETURN.—New Cases of Tuberculosis coming to the knowledge of the Medical Officer of Health during the above mentioned period, otherwise than by formal notification.

AGE PERIODS0-1—5—10-15—20—25—36—45-55—65—Total
Pulmonary Males............124442...17
,, Females...............15......1...7
Non-Pulmonary Males...............1...............1
,, „ Females...3...........................3

The source or sources from which information as to the above-mentioned cases was obtained, is stated below:

Source of InformationNo. of cases
Death Returnsfrom local Registrars41
transferable deaths from Registrar General31
Posthumous notifications1
"Transfers" from other areas (other than transferable deaths)162
Other Sources if any (specify)......


Number of cases of Tuberculosis remaining at the 31st December, 1934, on the Register of Notifications kept by the Medical Officer of Health of the Metropolitan BoroughPulmonaryNon-PulmonaryTotal cases
Number of cases removed from the Register(s) during the year by reason of:—
1 Withdrawal of notification.....................
2 Recovery from the disease...111123
3 Death62258734794
4 Patients removed from Borough34286213223597
5 Lost trace81922413