London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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TUBERCULOSIS SCHEME OF THE BETHNAL GREEN METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL. (a) PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS—Supplementary Annual Return showing in written off the Register. The Table is arranged according to the years in summary form (a) the condition at the end of 1933 of all Patients remaining on which the patients were first entered on the Dispensary Register as definite the Dispensary Register ; and (b) the reasons for the removal of all cases cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, and their classification at that time.

Condition at the time of the last record made during the year to which the return relatesPrev. to 192619261927192819291930193119321933
Class T.B. minusClass T.B. plusClass T.B. minusClass T. B. plusClass T.B. minusClaasT B. plusClass T.B. minusClass T. B. plusClass T.B. minusClass T.B- plusClass T.B. minusClass T.B plusClass T.B- minusClass T.B. plusClass T.B. minusClass T B. plusClass T.B. minusClass T B- plus
Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B. plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class) T.B. plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B. plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B. plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B. plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B. plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B Plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class P.B. Plus)Group 1Group 2Group 3Total (Class T.B. plus)
(a) Remaining on Dispensary Register on 31st DecemberDisease ArrestedAdultsM.63312
Disease not ArrestedAdultsM.3313124291224115174212563531165641562621063157251848921
Condition not ascertained during the year147841921113222532166132653341052619745312
Total on Dispensary Register at 31st December83242912658332872721114865191861262417111082917717428221326145339816933
(b) Not now on Dispensary Register and Reasons for removal therefromDischarged as RecoveredAdultsM11
Lost Sight of or otherwise Removed from Dispensary Register22129829664212671115734310102481495711387921843339111
Total Written off Dispensary Register4123312377171625367717132218531772531631731732522161643651271922489461121414611
Grand Totals124476035142251928388524152920643115313682359293876381726519430143626763117322574439201544