London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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the schools on one session a fortnight for inspection.
About 1,760 children are treated each year. In the minor
ailments department the doctor attends on five sessions a
fortnight, and a nurse is daily in attendance. About 2,000
children are treated in this department annually.
" Many children in the Borough attend hospitals and
centres in neighbouring boroughs, here given in order of
frequency: London Hospital, Queen's Hospital, Whitechapel
School Treatment Centre, Moorfields Hospital, and Old
Ford, Shoreditch, and Almeric Paget School Treatment
There are two Day Nurseries in the Borough, both
belonging to voluntary committees : —
(i) Bethnal Green Day Nursery, Somerford Street.
(ii) Pro Patria Day Nursery, Bishops Road.
I have been furnished with the following information
concerning the work of the day nurseries :—
Somerford Bishops
Street. Road.
Average number of children attending 26 34
Total Attendances 5,971 9,128
Certain of the children attending the Somerford
Street Day Nursery also attend the Council's Welfare
Centre every week for light treatment and some are
sent away to country homes during the summer.
The Secretary of the Bishops Road Day Nursery
reports that tha health of the children was good except
for short outbreaks of Measles and Chickenpox.
There is a branch of the National Children's Home
and Orphanage situated in Bonner Road.
The Borough Council has a Maternity Clinic,
Cornwall Road, at which a variety of work for maternal
welfare is carried on. The Council also employs a