London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green Borough]

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Patients added to the Register otherwise than by notification.

0—1 years1
1—5 "18
5—10 "1
10—15 "
15—20 "2
20—25 "
25—35 "11
35—45 "1
45—55 "
55—65 "11
65 years and over2

Notification is fairly satisfactory on the whole,
but delay is sometimes experienced in the receipt of
notifications of admissions to and discharges from
sanatoria. There were 19 deaths certified from Tuberculosis
in which the deceased person had not previously
been notified. Enquiry of the certifying practitioner
in each case elicited the following explanations:—
Due to oversight or pressure of work 3
Previous notification assumed or alleged 6
Bacteriological evidence only received at death 4
Diagnosis based on post-mortem examination 4
Certified by Coroner 1
No reply (doctor removed from district) 1
A number of these cases were Tuberculous
Late notification, probably due to delay in seeking
medical treatment, is shown by the following figures:—
Notified practically at time of death 6
„ within 1 month „ „ 17
„ „ 3 months „ „ 15
„ „ 6 „ „ „ 11