London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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into operation on the 19th December, 1949. Immediately afterwards,
inspections were made of the five shops where machines were known
to have existed, but it was found that in all cases they had either
been removed or were being used to sell other articles. No further
offence came to light.
Regular inspection of all premises where food for human
consumption is prepared, stored, or sold is carried out as a routine
measure. In general, they are found to be conducted in a reasonably
satisfactory manner, and the requirements of Section 13 (1) of the
Food and Drugs Act, 1938, and other statutory requirements complied
with. Such irregularities as were found were mostly of a minor nature
and remedy was secured without difficulty.
Restaurant Kitchens.
The number of restaurants and cafes (including fixed and mobile
stalls) on the register at the end of the year was 158. 511 inspections
were made, and 2 notices served for various defects.
It has become increasingly obvious that the conditions under
which much of the food is prepared in restaurants leave much to be
desired, and there is a growing recognition of the amount of illness
caused by the consumption of contaminated food. The Food and
Drugs Act, 1938, lays down certain standards and requirements to be
observed in places where food is prepared, stored and sold, but its
provisions are necessarily in general terms, and in order to make them
really effective in producing satisfactory conditions, food handlers,
both employers and employed, must go beyond them by observing the
basic principles underlying the production of clean food. It is however,
unfortunately evident that the average food handler has very
little idea of these principles. In order, therefore, to bring them to
the notice of food handlers, and to encourage their observance, a
Code of Standards for Catering Establishments was drawn up and
was adopted by the Council at their meeting on the 27th July. This
Code is set out in an appendix to this Report. It was circulated to
the proprietors of 135 restaurants and 43 factory canteens at which
a full range of meals is supplied.
Legal proceedings were instituted against a firm of food manufacturers,
and against one of their directors, for offences against
Section 13 (1) of the Food and Drugs Act, 1938. Before the summonses
came before the Court it was learned that the firm had
gone into liquidation, and they had to be withdrawn.
There is only one licensed slaughterhouse in the Borough. It is
used only occasionally, for the slaughter of calves. Forty-nine visits
were made to it during the year, and 13 calves were examined, all of
which were passed as fit for human consumption.