London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Verminous Premises.
The number of premises found to be infested with vermin
(principally bed-bugs) was somewhat higher than for the year 1948,
which, as stated in the Annual Report for that year, had shown a
marked decrease on previous years. The increase was, no doubt, due
to the exceptionally warm weather during the summer of 1949.
During the year, 333 verminous premises, including 51 flats or
houses on the Council's Estates, were treated.
Van Dwellings.
There are three sites in the Borough on which van dwellings
have regularly been placed for many years. The number of vans
on the sites varies from time to time. All the sites are subject to
regular inspection and are in general reasonably well kept.
Dangerous Structures.
Eighty-eight cases in which structures or parts thereof had been
noted, in the course of inspections for various purposes, as appearing
to be unsafe, were referred to the District Surveyor of the London
County Council for his attention.
Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act, 1919.
The provisions of this Act, which give power to require steps to
be taken to eradicate infestations of rats and mice, and to prevent
infestations, are administered by the Council. The work is carried out
by the Rodent Officer, assisted by three Rodent Operatives.
All infestations coming to light, whether by way of complaint or
otherwise, are systematically investigated, and the necessary steps taken
to deal with them. In some cases the occupier of the affected premises
(who is the person primarily responsible under the Act), is called upon
to take those steps, and in others the work is carried out by the Rodent
Control Staff. In the latter event, the cost is recoverable from the
occupier. Except in the case of business premises, where the cost is
recovered in full, the charges made are usually nominal. At the same
time, steps are taken to ascertain, and to secure the remedy of, the
cause of the infestation. This is frequently found to be defective
drainage or other defects in the building, for which the owner is
responsible, and he is called upon to remedy the defects. The work
of the Rodent Control Staff is, therefore, carried on in close co-operation
with the Sanitary Inspectors.
During the year, the Staff made 2,814 visits to 276 different
The sewers under the control of the Council were treated on
two occasions to destroy rats. The method adopted was that recommended
by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, namely, to lay
Prebait (unpoisoned) on two successive days, and to follow on the third
day with poisoned bait.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, under the terms of
their Circular N.S. No. 11, pay a grant of 50 per cent. towards the cost
he service in so far as this is not recovered by the Council from
occupiers of premises.