London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Arrangements are in force for private practitioners to immunise
children who were unable to attend the clinic, and 18 children were
immunised in this way during the year.
The Schick test is offered to all children who have been immunised
whether at the Council's clinic or elsewhere. It was found
that 97.17% of the children tested after inoculation were Schick
negative. A very stringent standard was maintained in reading
the test and most of those found to be Schick positive
showed by the mildness of the reaction that they had
a ttained a considerable degree of protection against diphtheria.
Tuberculosis.—Beside 228 cases notified, there were otherwise
reported 22, making a total of 250 new cases, and a case rate of
230.2 per 100,000 population.
The Dispensary was carried on throughout the year as in normal
Deaths from tuberculosis numbered 92, of which 9 were of the
n on-pul m onary form.
The death rate for all forms of tuberculosis was 84.7 per
100,000 population, that for the pulmonary cases being 76.42.
The death rate for the non-pulmonary cases was 8.29 per 100,000
Population, which is an increase of 2.76 over the corresponding
figure for 1945.
The provision of allowances for persons undergoing treatment
for pulmonary tuberculosis and their dependants, details of which
were outlined in the Annual Report for 1943, was continued during
the year.
The administration of the scheme involved the presentation of
96 new cases and the number of cases reviewed was 747; it also
necessitated 779 interviews with patients or their relatives arid the
sending of 733 letters. The Borough Treasurer disbursed
£4,434 12s. 8d. to 122 patients, in addition to which various small
sums were paid out by the stewards of L.C.C. institutions.
Extra nourishment was provided during the financial year ended
31st March, 1947, for 14 necessitous dispensary patients at a cost
1 approximately £95.
The number of new patients, contacts and transfer cases added
to the dispensar y register during the year was 942, as compared
with 775 in 1 945. Of these 716 were discharged as being nontuberculous;
38 were still under observation at the end of the year;
and 188 were found to be suffering from Tuberculosis. Nine cases
kept Un der observation during previous years were also found to be
suffering from the disease, making a total of 197 new definite cases.
The total number of attendances during the year was 7,531.
home visits to the number of 4,053 were paid (272 by Tuberculosis
officer and 3,781 by nursing staff ). 163 patients received institutional
treatment, the average length of stay being 211 days.
The Handicraft Class was held on 50 occasions during the year
with an average attendance of 5.4.
Cancer.— 224 deaths of Battersea residents were recorded.