London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Patients and Attendances.
In 1938, there were 887 additional names recorded at the
dispensary, 24 more than in 1937. These related to 614 persons
who had been referred by medical practitioners, otherwise presented
themselves for examination, or were receiving treatment under the
London County Council's tuberculosis scheme; 243 who had been in
contact with cases of tuberculosis; and 30 already notified in other
districts who had come to reside in Battersea.
Of these 887 cases 685 were discharged as non-tuberculous
(including 240 of the contacts), 193 were found to be suffering from
the disease, and 9 were kept under observation for diagnosis.
Particulars of the 193 positive cases are given under the next
heading, and also in form T.145 on page 143.
Old patients to the number of 528 also attended during the
year, and the total number of attendances at the Dispensary in 1938
was 5,275 (of which 4,388 were of old patients), as compared with
4.837 in 1937.
Visits to the homes of dispensary patients were made by the
Tuberculosis Officers in 352 instances, and 4,096 visits were made
by the Dispensary nursing staff, including 271 to patients not on
the Dispensary register. The number of deaths of Dispensary
patients was 68 as compared with 89 in 1937. Twenty-four of the
patients were discharged as "recovered" during the year, and 76
patients removed to other districts or ceased to attend.
New Patients.
The five following tables contain particulars of the 193 new
cases found to be suffering from tuberculosis.
In the first table the Pulmonary cases are grouped under two
(1) Group T.B. minus. In those cases Tubercle bacilli
have never been found in the sputum.
(2) Group T.B. plus. In those cases Tubercle bacilli have
been found in the sputum at some time.
Group T.B. plus is sub-divided under three headings:—
Group I.—early cases.
Group II.—intermediate cases.
Group III.—advanced cases.