London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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No contravention of the Public Health (Meat) Regulations
or the By-laws in regard to slaughterhouses was reported during
the year.
There are no knackers' yards in the Borough.
Butchers' Shops.
The number of butchers' shops in the Borough at the beginning
of the year was 96. Deducting 2, which were closed during the
year, there remained 94 on the register at 31st December. There
are in addition a number of premises where the sale of cooked
meats is carried on, as well as grocers' and provision merchants'
shops at which cooked meats are among the articles sold.
All butchers' shops in the Borough are systematically inspected,
and for the most part they are well kept and provided with cold
storage facilities. During the year, 1,424 inspections of these
premises were carried out by the Council's Food Inspector.
Public Health (Meat) Regulations, 1924.
It was not found necessary to take action for any contravention
of these Regulations.
By-laws as to Food.
The by-laws made under the London County Council (General
Powers) Act, 1932, section 6, which has been re-enacted in section
183 of the Public Health (London) Act, 1936, came into force
on 1st January, 1937, and are administered by the Metropolitan
Borough Councils.
No offence against these by-laws was reported during the year.
Food and Drugs (Adulteration) Act, 1928.
This Act is the principal statute governing the purity of the
food supply. During the year an amending and consolidating Act,
the Food and Drugs Act, 1938, was passed into law. It will not,
however, come into force until 1st October, 1939.
The analysis of samples of food and drugs procured under the
provisions of the Act, or informally (i.e., without following in detail
the procedure prescribed by the Act) is carried out by the Public
Analyst for the Borough, at his laboratory at 325 Kennington
Road, S.E. 11.
The bacteriological examination of samples (mainly milk) is
carried out by the Clinical Research Association, Ltd., at Watergate
House, Strand, W.C.
The total number of food samples taken under the Act was
747, of which 8 or 1.1 per cent. (as in 1937) were certified by the
Public Analyst to be adulterated. In addition to the foregoing,
453 informal samples were procured, none of which was reported