London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Booklets of advice for expectant mothers were purchased
during the year and made available free of charge at each infant
welfare centre.
Each mother who applies for admission to the Borough Maternity
Hospital, or for attendance by the Borough district midwife in
her own home, is required to attend the ante-natal clinic periodically
before her confinement, and is seen at least once by the consultant
gynaecologist. Doctors and private midwives practising in Battersea
are encouraged to send their maternity patients to her at the central
ante-natal clinic at the Borough Maternity Hospital for examination
and report without charge.
Miss Bloomfield (Consultant Gynaecologist) reports:—
Tuesday Afternoon (Special) Clinic.
Number of sessions held 52
Number of attendances 752
Number of first attendances 710
Average attendance per clinic (approx.) 14.5
Number of new A.N. cases 708
Number of old A.N. cases 39
Number of new P.N. cases 2
Number of old P.N. cases 3
Blood was taken for the Wassermann reaction in 697 cases
with results as follows—negative 683
positive 7
+ 7
Gynecological Cases.
Ante-natal cases examined new 10, old 11
Post-natal cases examined new 2, old 0
Cases of vaginal discharge examined (including 1 postnatal)
and of these 5 cases required treatment on one or more
further occasions, and films had to be taken in 1 case.
Cases attending for the diagnosis of pregnancy 25
Cases attending for diagnosis and treatment of retroversion
of the gravid uterus 1
Other cases numbered some 11, and included cases of—
Prolapse of cervical polypi (necessitating removal); unhealed
perinea; fibroids complicating pregnancy or puerperium;
catheter specimens, etc.
Examinations under anesthesia.
These are carried out after this clinic and numbered 11. Of
these 2 were for diagnosis of presentation and 9 were for external
version (successful, 5; unsuccessful, 4).