London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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Patients inoculated—
Without test (2 old patients) 75
After positive test (old patients) 19
„ (new „ ) 131
Old patients 28
New „ 549
Total immunised (including 69 patients who
attended in previous years) 130
Patients on register at end of year 206*
Discontinued treatment 32
The total number of patients immunised or found by test to
be immune is 174, out of a total of 353 patients who have attended
during the year (49 per cent.). Since the opening of the clinic
1252 patients have attended, and of these 863 have been immunised
or found immune by test (68.9 per cent.).
Acute Polio-Myelitis and Polio-Encephalitis.
Four cases of acute Polio-Myelitis were notified in Battersea
during 1934. No death was recorded.
At the beginning of the year there were 30 chronic cases on the
register, which with the 4 newly notified cases make a total of 34
cases on the register at the end of the year. When first notified or
reported 25 of these cases were under 5 years of age, and in 1934,
4 were over 16 years, 23 were of school age, and 7 under 5 years.
Of the 23 school children 6 were scholars at elementary or secondary
schools, 13 attended special schools for defective children, and 4
were at educational or cripple establishments outside London.
Twenty of the 34 cases were receiving treatment at out-patient
departments of various hospitals, 7 were receiving no treatment,
4 received in-patient treatment during the year, and 3 were inmates
of institutions.
No case of acute Polio-Encephalitis was notified during 1934.
Puerperal Fever and Puerperal Pyrexia.
Ten cases of Puerperal Fever were notified in Battersea in
1934, as compared with 3 in 1933, 4 in 1932, 6 in 1931, and 9 in 1930.
One death occurred among the notified cases.
* Includes 15 cases found negative on first test, who are to attend again for