London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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It will be seen from the foregoing table that (except during the
war years) there has been a steady decline in mortality rate from
In addition to the shelters which have for some years been
loaned to patients for use in their gardens, in cases in which it is
considered desirable to provide separate sleeping accommodation,
the Council have installed an open-air shelter in the grounds of
Southlands adjoining the Dispensary, for the use of patients
recently returned from sanatoria.
The work of the Tuberculosis Dispensary was carried on with
the usual routine during 1932. The report of the Tuberculosis
Medical Officer is set out in the appendix (pp. 120-129).
Staff Engaged on Tuberculosis Work.
The staff engaged in Tuberculosis work at the Tuberculosis
Dispensary is as follows :—
1. Chief Administrative Tuberculosis Officer—The Medical
Officer of Health.
2. Tuberculosis Medical Officer—Dr. George Macdonald.
3. Part-time Assistant Tuberculosis Medical Officer—Dr.
Mary J. O'Flynn.
4. Tuberculosis Nurses—Three in number, who attend at the
Dispensary daily, and visit the homes of the patients attending the
Dispensary under the supervision of the Tuberculosis Medical
Officer. Health Visitor (1), District Sanitary Inspectors in cases
not in attendance at the Dispensary.
5. Clerical Staff—At Dispensary: Secretary, two clerks.
At Public Health Department ; one clerk (part time).
6. Laboratory Assistant (dispenser).
7. Caretakers.
Specimens of sputum are examined at the Dispensary for
Medical Practitioners and reports submitted to them.
The Dispensary is affiliated to St. Thomas's and Brompton
Hospitals, and cases presenting special difficulties in diagnosis are
referred to these Institutions for X-ray examination and for artificial
eneumo-thorax refills, &c.