London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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The Dispensary treatment of school children is carried on in
close co-operation with the School Medical Service, and the Springwell
House Open Air School on Clapham Common North Side, has,
in this connection, carried on useful work during the year, particulars
of which will be found in the report of the Tuberculosis
Medical Officer on p. 125.
The Tuberculosis Care Committee, the constitution of which
will be found on p. 2, met weekly at the Tuberculosis Dispensary
during the year, and details of the work of the Committee will be
found set out on pp. 121 and 126.
Dental facilities for tuberculosis patients were first provided by
the Council in 1922. A weekly session is held at the Dental Centre,
Southlands, and patients requiring treatment or the provision of
dentures are referred to the Clinic by the Tuberculosis Medical
Officer. The number of sessions held during 1930 was 49, and 274
attendances were made, the average attendance per session being
5.59. The cost to the Council during the financial year 1930-31
for this service was £134, less contributions from patients and
other sources amounting to £23. Full details of the work carried
out are given in the report on the work of the Dispensary in the
Appendix (p. 126).
Institutional treatment is provided by the London County
Council for Battersea patients, this form of treatment being
arranged for in the majority of cases through the Tuberculosis
The principal work carried out at the Dispensary during 1930
is summarised as follows:—
Patients and Attendances.
The number of new patients was 623 (435 adults, 188 children),
and the number of contacts examined 153 (50 adults, 103 children).
There were 21 patients (adults) transferred from other areas during
the year who subsequently attended the Dispensary, making a
total of 797 new patients or contacts.
Of these 644 new patients 233 were found tuberculous, and 2 new
cases discovered amongst the 153 contacts examined.
The total number of attendances at the Dispensary during the
year was 3,621.
Visits to the homes of dispensary patients were made by the
Tuberculosis Officer in 165 instances, and 4,292 visits were made
by the Dispensary Nursing Staff. The number of deaths of dispensary
patients was 96. Twenty-eight of the patients were discharged
as "disease arrested" or "diagnosis not confirmed"
during the year, and 39 others ceased to attend, in addition to 82
patients who removed to other districts.