London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington and Chelsea 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington & Chelsea Borough]

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Discretionary grants.
117 applications for discretionary grants were received during the
year, which shows a slight increase over the number received during 1967.
They are summarised as follows:-
Applications received 117
Applications granted 116
Applications refused 1
Total amount of grants approved £54,058
Standard grants.
Six applications for standard grants were received during the year,
in respect of individual premises. All six applications were approved.
House Purchase Loans.
During the year, forty-seven properties were inspected as the result
of applications to the Council for house purchase loans.
Certificates of Disrepair in relation to Dwelling Houses.
The Council's duty to issue certificates of disrepair in respect
of "rent controlled" dwelling houses, not reasonably suitable for
occupation, is governed by the Rent Acts. It was not found necessary to
take any action regarding certificates of disrepair during 1968.
All cases of overcrowding are dealt with on the strict interpretation
of the standard laid down in the Housing Act, 1957. distinguishing
between "penal" and "non-penal".
The number of new cases of overcrowding reported to the Housing
Committee during 1968 was 66 (29 penal and 37 non-penal), giving an
equivalent number of persons of 261½. The total number of recorded
cases where overcrowding was abated during the year was 69, comprising
a total of 304 units.
Since October, 1945, 2,747 cases have been reported, and the
number of cases remaining on the register at the end of this year was
287 (29 penal and 258 non-penal).
(NOTE: Units mean the number of equivalent persons in the
families, obtained by regarding children between
one and ten years of age as "half persons" and
disregarding infants under the age of twelve months).