London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington and Chelsea 1967

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington & Chelsea Borough]

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Food and Drugs Act, 1955
Offences under Section 2
Ten summonses were issued in respect of the sale of food not of
the nature, substance or quality demanded. In nine cases, convictions
were obtained and fines totalling £108. 0. 0d were imposed, and the
Council were awarded £46. 0. 0d costs.
In the remaining case, which concerned the presence of a small
cylindrical pad resembling a cigarette filter tip in hot chocolate
sause served in a restaurant, the Magistrates felt that there was a
reasonable doubt as to how this foreign object gained access to the
food and dismissed the summons, awarding £10. 0. Od costs against the
Food Hygiene (General) Regulations, 1960
Proceedings were taken under these Regulations against a trader
who failed to refrain from the use of tobacco whilst handling open
food. The defendant was fined £5. 0. 0d and costs of £1. 0. 0d were
awarded to the Council.
Two further summonses were taken out against a restaurant owner
for contraventions of these Regulations which included (a) failure to
keep the floor of the kitchen in such a condition to enable it to be
effectively cleaned, and (b) failure to supply suitable and sufficient
ventilation to two female water closet apartments.
The summons was withdrawn in case (a) as the necessary works had
been completed prior to the Court hearing, and in regard to case (b)
the summons was adjourned sine die as the necessary works were being
carried out by the defendant.
Food Hygiene (Markets, Stalls and Delivery Vehicles) Regulations. 1966
Six summonses were taken out against four defendants for contraventions of these Regulations. The contraventions included the failure to
display on delivery vehicles the name and address of person carrying on
the business, failure to wear over-clothing whilst handling open food,
and failure to refrain from the use of tobacco whilst handling open
food. In all cases convictions were obtained and fines totalling
£28. 0. 0d were imposed. Costs amounting to £10. 0. 0d were awarded
to the Council.