London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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For the year 1930.
Population 176,000
Density of population per acre 77
Rateable value £2,998,232
Total. M.
legitimate 2,351 1,180
Live births { illegitimate 229 115
Still births 87 41
Deaths 2,242 1,002
Area of borough in acres 2,291
Number of marriages 2,004
Product of a Id. rate £12,492
1,171 { Birth rate 14.6
46 Rate per 1,000 total births 34
1,240 Death rate 12.7
Percentage of total deaths occurring in public institutions 43 %
Number of women dying in, or in consequence of, childbirth { ^rom sepsis
V 011161 C8.US6S ••• •••
Maternal death rate 2*3
Death-rate of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births :—
legitimate, 63; illegitimate, 118; total, 69.
Deaths from measles (all ages), 39.
„ whooping cough (all ages), 4.
„ diarrhoea (under 2 years of age), 38.
Deaths from phthisis 140
Deaths from all forms of tuberculosis 165
Deaths from the zymotic diseases 106
Phthisis death rate 0.78
Tuberculosis death rate 0.92
Zymotic death rate 0.62
Kensington births per 1,000 population.
Kensington deaths per 1,000 population.
Kensington infantile deaths (deaths of
children under the age of 12 months)
per 1,000 births.