London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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Only 3 notifications were received on Form B from School Medical Officers. The excess
of discharges notified on Form D over admissions notified on Form C, has been due to the use of
the primary certificate on Form A in certain institutions for notifying patients on admission, and
to the neglect to include patients so notified in the weekly returns of admissions on Form C.

The notifications on Form A of persons suffering from tuberculosis, and on Form C of patients admitted to residential institutions were received from the following sources:—

Source of Notifications.Phthisis.Other forms of Tuberculosis.
Form AForm C.Total.Form A.Form C.Total.
Brompton Hospital261541.........
District Medical Officers29...29.........
Kensington Infirmary1804922993396
Other Infirmaries6281...1
Kensington Tuberculosis Dispensary156...15633...33
Other Dispensaries2...2.........
Lunatic Asylums11...113...3
Metropolitan Asylums Board Hospitals and Homes2141611920
St. Mary's Hospital14...1412...12
Other Hospitals2722928...28
Other approved residential Sanatoriums67682...44
Private Medical Practitioners223...22322...22

608, or nearly three-fourths of the notices certifying persons as suffering from consumption or
notifying the admission of consumptives to residential institutions came from the Infirmary (229),
the Tuberculosis Dispensary (156), and from private practitioners (223). Of the notifications of
other forms of tuberculosis 197 out of a total of 219 came from the infirmary, hospitals or other
institutions for the sick, and only 22 were received from private practitioners. Nearly half of
the notifications of other forms of tuberculosis came from the Kensington Infirmary, and
numbered ninety-six.
Persons Notified.—During the year 653 persons were notified as suffering from consumption,
and 207 as suffering from other forms of tuberculosis. In addition 134 fatal cases of tuberculosis
in persons who had not been notified during the year 1914 were reported by the Registrar of Births
and Deaths. The total number of cases reported to the Department in 1914 was accordingly 994.

Cases of Tuberculosis Reported in 1914.

Source of Information.Pulmonary Tuberculosis.Other Forms.All Forms. Total Cases.
New Cases.Notified in previous years.Total New Cases. Cases.Notified in previous years.Total Cases.
Notification Certificates50115265318126207860
Death Certificates29669535439134

The new cases of consumption, that is to say, the cases notified in 1914, without having been
notified in any previous year, numbered 501. Twenty-two deaths from consumption also occurred
in persons who died unnotified. Non-pulmonary tuberculosis was also certified as the cause of
death in 34 unnotified persons.