London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kensington Borough]

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The Royal Borough of Kensington.
of the
For the Year 1908
To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors.
Sir, and Gentlemen,
The vital and mortal statistics in this report relate to the registration year, a period of
fifty-three weeks, December 29th, 1907, to January 2nd, 1909.
For the purposes of the report the population of the Royal Borough is estimated to have
numbered 181,000 at the middle of the year; the estimated population of the sub-districts,
parliamentary divisions, etc., is set out in the table at page 5.

The estimate of population of the borough is based on the subjoined summary table which shows the Age, and Sex Distribution of the people as ascertained at the census of 1901.

Population at all Ages, March 31st, 1901.Under Five Years.5 to 15.15 to 25.25 to 35.35 to 45.45 to 55.55 to 65.65 to 75.75 to 85.85 to 95.95 and upwards.All Ages.
Females107,5447,09213,30524,76928,48215,87710,9536,9853,8181,5152435107,544 Females
Males09,0847,05612,59513,46111,4919,4407,2204,5862,306820107269,084 Males
Excess of Females88,4603671011,30811,9915,9373,7332,8991,512695136838,460 Excess of females
Total of both sexes176,62814,14825,90038,23034,97324,81718,17311,5716,1242,3358507176,628 Total of both sexes

The enumerated population comprised 38,349 Families or Separate Occupiers (an increase
of 2,396 on the number, 35,953, in 1891); 28,770 in the Town sub-district, 9,579 in Brampton.
The tenements of less than five rooms, 20,052 in 1891, and 55.8 per cent, of total tenements,
were 21,115 in 1901, and 55T per cent, of the entire number. In these tenements there were
housed 73,425 persons (compared with 70,718 in 1891), or 41.6 per cent, of the population : the
relative percentage in 1891 was 42.5.

Number and Population of Tenements of Less than Five Rooms, in 1901.

Tenements of—Number.Population.
One Room5,69511,334
Two Rooms7,77627,800
Three „4,75720,210
Four ,,2,88714,081
Total21,115 Total73,425

It thus appears that 6.42 per cent, of the population lived in one-room tenements, compared
with 8.2 per cent, in 1891; 15.74 per cent, in two-room tenements (15.6 in 1891); 11.44 per cent,
ir three -rooms tenements (10.9 in 1891): and 7.97 per cent, in four-room tenements (7.8 in 1891).