London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham Borough]

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The year was a busy one in this field, Several new ideas have
been tried out with success. The purchase of a film strip projector
and screen has proved of great assistance in giving lectures. At the
beginning of September all the organisations in the Borough were
circularised, made aware of the facilities available in the Department
and invited to submit requests for talks on topics with health aspects.
In addition to these lectures, discussion groups have been held with
the aid of the Central Council of Health Education film strips and
sound recordings. The usual leaflet and poster propaganda was carried
out and other activities included
Film Shows:
These were held at the Central Library and 12 very successful
shows to mixed audiences were given; 1,642 persons attended (average
137). In addition an Adults Only show at which 114. persons were present
was also arranged. Although the attendance for this show was lower than
the other shows it is intended to repeat this type of performance to
enable talks and films unsuitable for children to be presented.
There was also a special show arranged for the Food Trade at which
the Principal Speaker was Mr. Morley Parry, Food Hygiene Advisory Officer
to the Ministry of Food. Two films on food handling were shown and a
panel formed to answer questions from the audience; it was a pity only
51 persons attended.
Lectures and Discussion Groups:
9 of these were given to audiences ranging in numbers from 180 to
8, the average being 45 (total 406 persons). As the departmental
facilities become better known it is hoped that more requests will be
received from organisations.
Fulham Health Guides
This booklet, which was written and illustrated largely within the
Department, was published - with the aid of advertisements - free of
charge to the Council by a commercial firm. 3,000 copies of the Booklet
were delivered in October and only some 200 remained by the end of the
year, A competition to submit 12 rules for Safe Food Handling was
advertised in the Booklet and the three winners presented with their
prizes by the Mayor, Councillor W.G. Wallis, J.P. at one of the Film