London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham Borough]

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TABLE XV. Housing Accommodation.

Number of Families occupying t 1
[ One room.Two rooms.Three rooms.Four rooms.[ Five rooms.Six rooms or more.
Patient living alone11
Patient living with 1 other451530
2 others210151111
3 „17191254
4 „511552
5 „16323
6 „2613
7 ,,111
8 ,,111
9 „1
10 „1

TABLE XVI. Sleeping Accommodation of 191 Tuberculosis Patients.

The patient slept:—
In a separate room in62 cases.
Alone in bed with one other in room in15 cases.
Alone in bed with two others in room in5 cases.
Alone in bed with three others in room in1 case.
Alone in bed with four others in room in1 case.
In bed with one person and no others in room in68 cases.
In bed with one person and one other in room in23 cases.
In bed with one person and two others in room in10 cases.
In bed with one person and three others in room in3 cases.
In bed with one person and four others in room in1 case.
In bed with two persons and no others in room in2 cases.
191 cases.