London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1950

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1950

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The total number of cases of Tuberculosis in the Borough at the
end of the year was 425, made up as followss:-
Pulmonary: Males 193
Females 203
Non-Pulmonary: Males 9
Females 20
During the period under review,the following work was carried
out at the Dispensary. The figures in parentheses relate to similar
work in 1949.
Population served by Dispensary 52,490 (51.990)
Number of notified cases at end
of year 425 (415)
Number of such cases failing to
attend at the Dispensary 284 (262)
Total attendances during the year l,823 (l,979)
Number of new patients seen 377 (363)
Number of new patients who were
contacts 163 (106)
Number of cases diagnosed as
tuberculous for the first time 21 (15)
Number of X-rays examinations l,137 (1,084)
Number of sputa examinations 265 (179)
Number of Mantoux tests 201 (59)
Number of patients who received
refills 29 (15)
Number of patients who received
special treatment at home 11 (-)
Total number of visits paid by
Dispensary Nurse and Dispensary
Almoner to Dispensary and Non-
Dispensary cases 2,067 (2,308)
Number of Clinic sessions per week 2 (2)