London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chelsea 1928

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea, 1928

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(a.) Chelsea Health Society and School for Mothers. —Chairman
of Executive Committee: The Lady Melchett, D.B.E. Hon. Sec. :
Miss M. Bowden-Smith.
This voluntary Society, with headquarters at 1, Manor Street, adjoining
the Town Hall, maintains the Maternity and Child Welfare Centres in
the Borough. Clinics are held at the Society's premises (1, Manor Street
and 484, King's Road, S.W.).
During the year four infant clinics were held weekly —three at Manor
Street and one at King's Road. One ante-natal clinic was also held
weekly at Manor Street. Details of the work carried out will be found
on page 70.
Four part-time Medical Officers are employed by the Society—Dr.
Grace Nelson, Dr. Muriel Radford, Dr. Kathleen Matthews and Dr.
Margaret Rorke. Three whole-time trained Health Visitors are also
employed, together with necessary clerical and domestic assistance.
With the approval of the Ministry of Health, arrangements for the
adequate treatment of lactation cases have been instituted. These have
proved most satisfactory in their working and in the results achieved.
Much valuable work is done by voluntary workers attached to the
Three members of the Public Health Committee of the Borough
Council and the Medical Officer of Health are members of the Executive
With the approval of the Ministry of Health, the Borough Council
made a financial grant of £750 to the Society for the year commencng
1st April, 1928.
(b.) Chelsea Day Nursery.—65, Sydney Street, S.W. 3. Chairman :
Eric W. Hall, Esq. Hon. Sec.: The Hon. D. Darling.
The Chelsea Day Nursery is conducted by a voluntary Association.
The Nursery is ably administered and is much appreciated in the Borough.
Details of work done by the Nursery during the year will be found on
page 72.
Three members of the Public Health Committee and the Medical
Officer of Health are members of the Day Nursery Committee.
With the approval of the Ministry of Health, the Borough Council
made a financial grant of £100 to the Day Nursery for the year commencing
1st April, 1928.
(c.) Chelsea Tuberculosis Dispensary. —This Dispensary, located
at Brompton Hospital, affords skilled diagnosis and efficient treatment
for all cases of Tuberculosis within the Borough. By agreement with
the Borough Council, adequate medical, nursing and other necessary
services are provided. The Tuberculosis Officer (Dr. W. J. Fenton) is
one of the Honorary Physicians to the Hospital and his services are