London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Marylebone 1899

The sanitary chronicles of the Parish of St. Marylebone being the annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1899

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Adams W., prosecution of, for milk adul- Deaths, Causes of—
teration 37 January 12
All Souls, births and deaths— February 28
March 43
January Table IV. 11 March Quarter 44
February 27 April 56
March ,, V. 41 May 68
March Quarter ,, VII. 42 June 82
April ,, IV. 55 June Quarter 83
May ,, IV. 67 July 87
June ,, IV. 80 August 98
June Quarter ,, V. 80 September 104
July ,, IV. 86 September Quarter 105
August ,, VII. 101 October 120
September ,, VIII. 101 November 128
September Quarter ,, IX 102
October ,, IV. 119 Diarrhœa, Infantile 82-93
November ,, IV. 129 Diarrhœa and Milk 115
Diphtheria, deficient hospital accommodation
for 114-126
Drainage, combined 23
B Dust Removal 36
Barnard, J., prosecution, for milk adulteration
77 E
Barrett Street, Rag Shop in 114
Birth and Death Rate— Entry, powers of 4-8
January 2
February 17
March 35
April 50 A*
May 60
June75 Female Inspector, Appointment of . 62-82
July 80 Fitz, J., prosecution of, for non-removal
of manure90 of manure 83
September 90
October 113
November 124
Brooks' Yard, prosecution of occupiers, for
non-removal of manure 83 Gooseberries artificially coloured . . .77
Grand Junction Water Coy., Water supply . 37
C Great Central Railway Coy., prosecution
of, for smoke 76
Cleansing of Persons Act.62
Collins, prosecution of, for non-removal
of manure 94 „ „
„ Hamilton, W., prosecution, for letting
Christ Church, Births and Deaths— illegal kitchens 83
January Table IV. 11 „
February.... , IV 27 Harrow Street, No. 6, closing of, under
March ,, V. 41 Housing of the Working Classes Act 83-93
March Quarter ,, VII. 42 Health of District during March Quarter 36
May ,, IV. 67 Henry Street, No. 10, prosecution of owner
June ,, IV. 80 of, for disobedience of Vestry notice
June Quarter... ,, V. 80 as drainage 125
July ,, IV. 86 Hereford Street, No. 10, prosecution of
August ,, VII. 101 owner of, for letting illegal kitchens . 83
September ,, VIII. 101
September Quarter ,, IX. 108 Hill, John, prosecution of, for butter adul-
October ,, IV. 119 teration 77
November ,,IV. 129 Hog Wash, removal of, in illegal hours . 82