London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Olave 1899

Annual report of the vital statistics and sanitary condition of the District for the year 1899

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Buildings) was at least 49.6 per 1000, and of the remainder
at least 29.1 per 1000, and for each of the five years the deathrate
in the unhealthy tenements was much higher than that
of the remainder.
The Committee, after carefully considering the representation,
reported that, although some of the rooms are dirty and
dark, and perhaps hardly desirable as habitations, many of the
worst are already closed, and the others would be much
improved by more frequent white-washing and cleansing.
Also that "the demolition of Blocks 3 and 4 would involve
the loss of 48 undoubtedly habitable tenements (all those,
namely, which are above the first floor), and the Committee feels
that in face of the great demand for housing accommodation
in the District the Board would not be justified in producing
this result unless the reasons in support of such action were
very strong and urgent, which the Committee does not consider
is the case."
"Much has already been done and can still be done under
the direction of the Medical Officer of Health and Sanitary
Inspector to improve the condition of these dwellings and a
large amount of work is now being carried out in accordance
with orders made by the Board, and the Committee is of
opinion that the Medical Officer of Health and Sanitary
Inspector should continue to give constant attention to these
buildings and also to the Vine Street Buildings, and that in
order to make the task of supervision by the Board's Officers
easier and more efficient it is now desirable that these buildings
should be brought under the bye-laws for houses let in