London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1924

Sixty-ninth annual report on the health and sanitary condition of the Metropolitan Borough of Islington

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The inspection is made for unsatisfactory storage conditions, dirty utensils, and
other nuisances. The following is a tabulated statement of the premises examined,
and the results. In each case the unsatisfactory conditions were remedied without
having to resort to prosecution. There was, however, a prosecution for lack
of cleanliness in a factory (see page 39):—
Number found
Hotel and Restaurant Kitchens
Coffee and Dining Rooms
Refreshment Rooms
Provision (Cooked Meats, cooked but
not consumed on premises)
Prosecutions.—Two summonses were issued against a butcher for exposing
for sale, and depositing for the purpose of sale, certain unsound turkeys and 1
goose; the defendant being fined .£10 and ordered to pay £3 3s. costs.
Sale of Food Order.-Thirty-five summonses were taken out under the
"Sale of Food Order, 1921," during the year, 22 of which were for selling
Imported Eggs improperly labelled. 10 convictions were obtained, whilst in 5
other cases costs only were imposed. One summons was withdrawn where two
were issued and a convictions obtained on the first. 13 prosecutions for Imported
Meat not labelled resulted in 12 convictions, the defendant in the remaining case
being ordered to pay costs.
The total amount of fines and costs obtained was £117 17s. 6d.
In addition to above prosecutions numerous warnings, both verbal and by
letter, were given. The remarks under heading "Inexperience of Small Shopkeepers—Warnings,"
annual report, 1923, pages 46 and 47, apply to many who
were given another chance.
Cowsheds.—The 4 cowsheds within the Borough received 34 visits, and
were found generally satisfactory.
Offensive Trades include 4 tripe dressers, 3 gut scrapers, and the
knackers' yard which received a total of 65 visits. The Inspector reports that he
found no cause for complaint in the conduct of the business carried on in them.
Removal of Offal.—Three proeecutions were taken against one firm.
They had been previously warned, but persisted in removing the offensive matter
during prohibited hours. At first the excuse was made that their particular transport
arrangements had broken down on the day in question, but definite evidence
was obtained that they continued to defy the letter and remove this fish offal
during prohibited hours. In the matter of the prosecutions the Borough was
assisted with evidence from the Police. Ten shillings and sixpence costs were
awarded in the first case, and in the remaining two cases fines of £1 1s. and
1 guinea costs were imposed,