London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1927

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1927

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During 1927 there were 175 deaths from Tuberculosis registered
as belonging to the Borough of Battersea. Of this number 151
(i.e. 86.3 per cent.) were due to pulmonary tuberculosis, 14 (i.e.
8.0 per cent.) to tubercular meningitis and 10 (i.e. 5.7 per cent.)
to other forms of the disease.
In 1926 the number of deaths from tubercular diseases was
Of the 175 deaths registered from Tuberculosis during the year
24 cases were not notified until one month before death; in 13 cases
the notifications were received after death, and in 12 cases no
notification was received.
Of the 12 cases in respect of which no primary notification was
received 11 (6 pulmonary, 5 non-pulmonary) were patients who
died in hospitals, infirmaries or nursing homes. The remaining
case was under treatment by a private medical practitioner.
Of the 13 cases notified after death 2 (1 pulmonary, 1 nonpulmonary)
were notified by private medical practitioners, 7 (3
pulmonary, 4 non-pulmonary) from Poor Law Institutions and 4
(2 pulmonary and 2 non-pulmonary) by hospitals or asylums.
In a further case notified after death (Pulmonary), the death,
being due to accidental causes, was not ascribed to Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis Dispensary.
The work of the Tuberculosis Dispensary was carried on with
the usual routine during 1927. It is expected that the Dispensary
which will be removed to Southlands, to that part of the buildings
which is being converted and adapted for the purpose, will be
ready by the middle of 1928.
The staff of the Dispensary consists of a Tuberculosis Medical
Officer, 3 Nurses, Secretary, Dispenser and two Junior Clerks. There
are also Caretakers (man and wife) living on the premises.
The Dispensary treatment of school children is carried on in
close co-operation with the School Medical Service, and the Springwell
House Open Air School on Clapham Common North Side, has,
in this connection, carried on useful work during the year, particulars
of which will be found on p. 52.
The Tuberculosis Care Committee, the composition of which
will be found on p. 2, met weekly at the Tuberculosis Dispensary
during the year, and details of the work of the Committee will be
found set out on p. 53.