London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1925

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1925

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During 1925, 99 Dispensary patients were referred to hospitals
for various causes. Of these 75 were sent to St. Thomas's Hospital
for X-ray examination.
The Dispensary treatment of school children is carried on in
close co-operation with the School Medical Service. In this connection
the Borough is fortunate in having the Springwell House
Open-air School in its district, under the direction of the London
County Council. The Tuberculosis Medical Officer and one of
the Dispensary Nurses, by arrangement with the London County
Council, are in medical charge of the School, which is located
at Clapham Common North Side. The School is not exclusively
attended by Battersea children, the majority of the children are,
however, resident in the Borough. The results of the year's
work will be found on p. 61.
Work of the Tuberculosis Dispensary.
The work of the Dispensary was carried out with the usual
routine during 1925.
Dr. Macdonald, Tuberculosis Medical Officer, reports:—
During the year 629 new patients attended the Dispensary.
Of these 128 were found to be suffering from Tuberculosis and 158
were "suspect" cases, and were kept under observation at the
Dispensary for a period. The remaining 276 were considered nontuberculous.
For the 5 years 1921-25, the number of new patients who
attended the Dispensary, showing the number found to be tuberculous,
Year 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925.
New patients 746 624 662 594 629
Tuberculous 197 188 202 189 195
During the year 1925, 233 contacts were examined—adults 80,
children 153.
In 1925, 37 patients in whom the diagnosis was at first doubtful
were definitely found to be suffering from Tuberculosis, and these
were added to the 195 new cases, making a total of 232 notified
cases. Of this number 103 had already been notified to the Medical
Officer of Health, so that 129 were primary notifications from the
The total number of attendances at the Dispensary during the
year was 5,177, insured 1,753, non-insured 3,824. For the years
1921-25 the attendances were:—
1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925.
6,010 4,910 5,436 4,389 5,177
During the year 223 domiciliary visits were paid by the Tuberculous
Officer. The home visits by the Dispensary Nurses during
the year numbered 5,670.
Year 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925.
Doctor 269 264 188 278 223
Nurses 5,599 7,048 6,942 6,534 5,670