London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Deptford 1921

Annual report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Deptford

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Under Sec. 3 of the Canal Boats Act, 1884, this Council is required
to submit a report each year to the Ministry of Health on the execution
of the above Acts and the steps taken to enforce compliance with the
provisions thereof.
The following report by Inspector Hewett, to whom is assigned the
duties of Canal Boats Inspector, has been forwarded to the Ministry:—
I beg to report for the year ending December 31st, 1921,
that for the purpose of Canal Boats inspection, I made eleven
visits on the following dates, viz.:—
March 31st, April 5tb, May 2nd and 23rd, June 20th,
July 14th and 16th, September 15th, October 7th, November 30th
and December 12th.
Only one boat "Witham," registered No. 351 at Brentwood,
was inspected and found to be satisfactory. No children of
school age were on board.
The arrangements made for the inspection of Canal Boats
are:—Periodical inspection by Sanitary Inspector duly appointed
under the Canal Boats Acts, jointly with other duties as District
Yours obediently,
(Signed) F. Hewett.