London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1926

Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1926

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During the year the following quantities of milk were issued to necessitous mothers:—

During the year the following quantities of milk were issued to necessitous mothers:—
Ordinary Fresh Milk226 galls.
Grade A (Tuberculin Tested) Milk3,835 „
Dried Milk16,146 lbs.
Condensed Milk751 tins

together with drugs, etc. The approximate cost of
milk given in this way was £1,704.
Considerable use is made of the Council's Centres
for the sale to mothers and infants of dried milks
of various brands, labelled specially to the Council's
directions to avoid the use of trade names. The
following quantities of milk were sold
Dried Milk 15,198 lbs.
Condensed Milk 102 tins
Although restricted in scope by our limited
accommodation and staff, a good deal of useful work
is being done in the education of the mothers in the
use of more hygienic clothing for themselves and their
children, and there is a ready sale for good models
of garments at the Centres.
In June, 1925, a Special Clinic for Delicate Children
was opened at the Cornwall Road Centre. The main feature
of the Clinic is artificial light treatment by means
of a quartz mercury vapour lamp. The Medical Officer
in charge is Dr. H. M. M. Mackay, M.D., M.R.C.P.,
who has had considerable experience in artificial light