London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1924

Special report on an outbreak of Typhoid Fever in the Borough of Bethnal Green in 1924

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Name of Article and Identification Number of Sample.Result of Analysis.Result of Legal Proceedings.(a) Action taken other than legal proceedings. (b) Previous Convictions (if any). (c) Other Remarks.
Raspberry Jam. 352Contained 10 per cent. apple pulp....(a) Result of analysis communicated to vendor.
Cream 371Contained 0.39 per cent. boric acid....(a) Result of analysis communicated to. vendor.
Milk 393Found to be 8 per cent. deficient in fat.Dismissed. Warranty defence....
Do. 402Found to be 9 per cent. deficient in fat.Withdrawn. Defendant paid £2 2s. costs....
Do. 430Found to bo 30 per cent. deficient in fat.Fined 40s. No costs....
Milk 461Found to bo 16 per cent. deficient in fat.Fined £5. Costs £2 2s....
Do. 477Contained 4½ per cent. added water.(2 summonses) adjourned sine die. Costs £2 2s. awarded to Council....
Vinegar 483Contained 19 per cent. added water.Costs £1 1s....
Do. 537Contained 5¾ per cent. added water....(a) Vendor cautioned.
Do. 555Contained 5.0 per cent. added water.(2 summonses) Costs £2 2s....
Butter 579Contained 0.75 per cent. water beyond legal limit of 16 per cent....(c) Adulteration too small for proceedings.
Margarine 582Contained 1 per cent. water beyond legal limit of 16 per cent....Do.
Camphorated Oil. 604Found to be 4 per cent. deficient in camphor according to B.P. standard....(a) Vendor cautioned.
Strawberry Jam. 703Contained 10 per cent. apple pulp.(Summons heard 15/1/25.) Fined 10s....