London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Camberwell 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell.

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Health Centre.
The Council during the year acquired a site in Camberwell
Road for the purpose of building thereon a Health Centre to
provide accommodation for certain health services at present
conducted in other buildings in the Borough and to offer to the
inhabitants of Camberwell new health services in the form of a
Solarium, a general Dental Scheme, Foot Clinics, X-Ray Department,
Gynaecological Clinic, Breast-feeding, and Child Guidance
Clinics, etc.
The site has a frontage of approximately 146 ft., with an average
depth of about 255 ft. The Council has also acquired an adjacent
piece of land for open space purposes, the whole site comprising
an area of 1ยท263 acres.
Full details of the proposed services to be administered in this
building appear in an Appendix to this Report (No. 1).
The provision of the services outlined in the report referred
to were approved in principle by the Council and at the present
time plans of the building are being considered by the Health Centre
Committee of the Council, a Committee specially set up to deal
with all matters appertaining to this Scheme.
It will be observed that the proposals include the provision
of certain school medical services in the building by arrangement
with the London County Council.