London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Camberwell 1946

Metropolitan Borough of Camberwell annual (abridged) report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1946

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1. Number of cases on Dispensary
Register on January 1st 1946, 1794
2. Number of cases transferred
from other areas
and cases returned after
discharged under Head 3.
in previous years 107
3. Number of eases transferred
to other areas, cases not
desirous of further assistance
under the scheme and
cases "lost sight of". 119
4. Cases written off during
the year as dead (all
causes). 66
5. Number of attendances at
tho Dispensary (including
contacts). 7448
6. Number of consultations
with Medical Practitioners:
(a) Personal 73
( b ) Other 1868
7, Number of visits by
Tuberculosis Officers to
homes (including personal
8. Number of visits by Nurses
or Health Visitors to homos
for Dispensary purposes. 6217
9. Number of: -
(a) Specimens of sputum etc
examined 1108
(b) No. found to bo positive 100
(c) X-ray examinations made
in connection with Dispensary
work 4441
110. Number of cases ''recovered"
restored to Dispensary
Register and included in
A (a) and A(b) above
11. Number of "" eases
on Dispensary Register at
December 31st, 1946. 278
ARTIFICIAL PNEUMOTHORAX TREATMENT. A total of 2,350 refill treatments
were given to Cambprwell patients as compared with 2,163 in 1945.
One patient received Finsen Light treatment and seven patients dental
treatment. Extra diet was given to 80 patients and 48 pocket flasks were
X-RAY. Every new case of "contact'' attending the Dispensary during 1946
received X-ray examination.
TUBERCULOSIS ALLOWANCES. Memo 266/T. The Government Scheme of monetary
payments to patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis receiving
approved treatment, and their dependants, which commenced in June 1943,
continued to work smoothly. Particulars of the cases dealt with under
the Scheme during 1946 appear in the sub-joined table.
1. Number of applications considered 187
2. Number of applications found to be eligible 171
3. Number found to be ineligible but became
entitled to an allowance at a later date 2
4. Number of applications approved and subsequently
lapsed as a result of altered
circumstances - 92
HANDICRAFT CLASS. The members of the class continued their high standard
of work, and a ready market for the articles made by then was found. The
Friday afternoon class continued throughout the year and there wore 50
sessions; the average attendance was 10 members.
CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE. The receipts were £636. 7. 5½d., and the expenses
£65. 4. 7d. , the balance of £571. 2.10½d. being disbursed in the provision
of bedding and other comforts for tuberculous patients.