London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Camberwell 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell.

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Area, and surveyed the same with a view of effecting an improvement
scheme. As a result of their report, particulars of the
offer were submitted by this Council to the London County
Council, and the latter were asked to consider the advisability of
effecting an improvement scheme in the Wyndham Road Area
upon the site offered in conjunction with adjoining property. The
London County Council considered the matter, and a recommendation
mendation was made to make an improvement under Part I of
the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890.
The scheme for this Borough has been linked up with two
other schemes for slum clearances in South London, viz., The
China Walk area in North Lambeth and the Hatfield area in
Southwark, the whole being known as The London County Council
(China Walk, etc) Improvement Scheme, 1925. In pursuance of
this scheme, and in accordance with the Housing Acts, 1890 to
1924, I represented to the London County Council on the 12th
January, 1925, that certain properties in the Wyndham Road
area, about three acres in extent, were, owing to various reasons,
dangerous and injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the
said area, or of neighbouring buildings, and that the most satisfactory
factory way of dealing with the evils mentioned was an improvement
ment scheme for the re-arrangement and re-construction of the
streets and houses within such area.
The difficulty in the past of dealing with insanitary areas has
been the impossibility of providing other accommodation for the
persons displaced. To overcome this difficulty the London County
Council, in their tentative improvement scheme for the Wyndham
Road area, provided for the acquisition of an additional four acres
of adjacent lands and premises, thus making seven acres in all,
as a site to be cleared for re-housing purposes.

The number of houses, families, and persons living in the area covered by the Improvement Scheme is shown in the following table:—

No. of Houses.No. of Families.No. of Persons.
"A" Insanitary Area. 3 Acres.Bowyer Street141492
Crown Street6728
Mayhews Buildings121245
Wyndham Road2838168
Pinto Place91242
Pallador Place111768
Comber Grove4415
"B" Area to be acquired 4 Acres.Comber Grove3925480
Blucher Road3523
Aliens Cottages3519
Totals for the whole area129194754