London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1936

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1936

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Fifty-four cases of overcrowding in London County Council
dwellings in Bermondsey have been abated and 4 cases in Borough
Council dwellings, the number of persons dwelling therein in the
first case being 253, and in the latter case 18; 109 cases have been
relieved in connection with clearance operations, the equivalent
persons in these cases totalling 577; these cases are included in
C (i) and (ii) above.
For the past three years a concerted attack has been made in
this borough against the bed bug, and the following table shows
the action taken in this direction during the year 1936: —
Infested Disinfested
Council flats or houses 234 234
Council houses on Insanitary Areas
during decanting 429 429
London County Council Removals 25 25
Houses disinfested prior to demolition 285
Other houses or flats 454 454
The disinfestation of houses is accomplished by means of gas,
Sulphur dioxide or C.A.P. being used for the purpose.
The Disinfecting Station is modern and well equipped, and
the work is performed by the staff of the Council.
The room or house is sealed up in the usual way before being
filled with gas, and all bedding is brought into the Disinfecting
Station where it is treated with steam at high pressure. In the
case of removals from Council's flats or from insanitary areas,
it is the usual practice to return the bedding and other effects
to the new flat.