London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1936

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1936

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The complaints from which these patients suffered may be
summarised in the following way:—
Minor disabilities of the menopause.
Forty-three patients complained of headaches, "flushings,"
giddiness, depression, anxieties, general debility, etc.
Displacement of the Uterus.
Five patients with retroversion. All were treated at the
Twelve patients with prolapse. Ten were treated at the
Clinic, and 2 were recommended to hospital for operative treatment.
Inflammation of the Uterus and Appendages.
Fifteen patients with cervicitis were treated at the Clinic.
One patient with chronic salpingitis was recommended to
Menstrual Irregularities.
Thirty patients reported at the clinic on this account. Eight
of these were found to be pregnant; two had fibroids and one
had an ovarian cyst. In the remaining 19 patients the irregularity
was due to hormonal disturbance of the menopause. Ten
of these patients were treated at the Clinic, and 9 were transferred
to hospital for artificial termination of menstruation.
Disorders of menstrual function.
Seven patients were referred to the Clinic by doctors for
investigation of sterility and 3 patients for investigation of
Carcinoma of the Uterus.
There were 4 patients —3 with carcinoma of the cervix and
one with carcinoma of the body of the uterus. With one exception
the disease was in an early stage, and the prognosis in these cases
is good.
In 14 patients with this symptom no gynaecological cause
was found. Two were transferred to hospital for manipulation,
and the remainder were either recommended to the Solarium
or to the "Keep Fit" classes.