London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1936

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1936

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Pillows (cases) 1,743
Quilts 1,265
Sheets 1,626
Furniture 2,299
Miscellaneous 6,810
Verminous Clothing 1,511
„ Bedding 4,289
Scabies, Clothing 16,625
Beds 840
Blankets 2,214
Bolsters 650
„ (cases) 271
Books 167
Cushions 281
Mattresses 44
Overlays 777
Pillows 2,105
47,502 new tabs were used to replace those taken off
mattresses, palliasses, and cushions before disinfection.
Number of rooms disinfected 3,672
Number of mattresses and other articles destroyed 3,270
Furniture, Floorcloth, etc. destroyed 82 Loads
Verminous persons cleansed Adult Females 10
Adult Males 124
Children 3,383
Persons treated for Scabies: —
Number of
baths given
Adult Females 70 189
Adult Males 38 78
Children—Females 217 895
Children —Males 172 756
It should be noted that the figures in this table which concern
the number of children treated relate to a larger area than that of
the borough, because the Department undertakes the treatment of
children for the Education Authority and many of these children
reside outside the borough.
Four flats are provided in The Neckinger for the temporary
housing of families or persons while their premises are being
disinfected. The number of families accommodated during the
year was 66, 2 for Scarlet Fever, 2 for Scabies, 61 for verminous
conditions and 1 for insanitary condition of house, the total number
of persons accommodated being 357.