London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1925

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1925

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width, and no part of any such stall, barrow or cart as
regards the width shall project beyond the wheels.
(b) No barrow, cart or stall shall be placed or stand in
any street or public way alongside another so as to lessen
or obstruct the breadth of such street or public way by
more than the width of one barrow, cart or stall.
(c) No barrow, cart or stall shall be placed or stand in any
street or public way within four feet (measured along the
length of any such street or public way) of another barrow,
cart or stall, which space of four feet shall be kept so as
to enable passengers to pass and re-pass between the
road and the footway.
(d) All costermongers, street hawkers and itinerant
traders shall, when requested to do so by any inhabitant,
remove their barrows, carts and stalls from before the bouse
of such inhabitant in order to enable him to load or unload
any vehicle at his door.
burrow, cart or stall shall be placed or stand either
wholly or in part on any street crossing.
(f) Costermongers, street hawkers and itinerant traders
and their barrows, carts and stalls are hereby made liable
to be removed from any street or public way in which they
create an obstruction of the traffic or where they are an
annoyance to the inhabitants.
N.B. —The Sixth Section of the Metropolitan Streets Act,
1867, prohibiting the deposit of goods in the streets, will not apply
to costermongers, street hawkers and itinerant traders so long,
and so long only, as their business is carried on according to the
above Regulations."
We thoroughly agree with the proposals above set out and
feel convinced that, if they are put into operation, it will mean a
considerable improvement upon the present conditions in the
market places, and certainly conduce to the interests of the public
and the stallholders. We recommend—
(a) That the above scheme be adopted and be put into operation
on the 31st July, 1925, if practicable, otherwise at the earliest
possible date. [Adopted.
(b) That the markets be under the control of the Medical Officer
of Health. [ Adopted.