London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Deptford 1915

Annual report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Deptford

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Site, Sub-Soil and Drainage of Deptford.
The physical features and character of the Borough have been
so many times described by me that I refer you to previous reports
for the sake of economy.
Sewage System.
The sewers passing through Deptford are:—
Branch. Coming from Length.
Bermondsey Branch Rotherhithe 7290-ft.
Southern High Level Sewer Wandsworth 6480-ft.
Southern Low Level Sewer Putney 7260-ft.
Effra Branch Norwood 6270-ft.
Storm Relief (in Church Street) – 2970-ft.
Storm Relief (St. George's Stairs) – 1980-ft.
Relief Sewer at Broadway Greenwich 3080-ft.
Deptford to Lee Green Sewer Lee 1320-ft.
Ravensbourne and Sydenham Sewer Bell Green 1330-ft.
New Southern High Level Sewer Brockley 7920-ft.
Thus we have about 8.7 miles of main sewers of large bore in the
Borough, all radiating towards the Deptford Pumping Station except
the last mentioned, but all pass on to the Crossness Pumping Station,
and from this point the sewage passes into the Thames.
Open Spaces.
The permanent open spaces existing which cannot be built upon
Situation. Size. Maintained by
1. Deptford Park Evelyn Street 22 acres L.C.C.
2. Ravensbourne
Recreation Ground Brookmill Road 1¼ acres Borough
3. Hilly Fields Brockley 45½ acres L.C.C.
(On South-&ast Boundary of Borough)
4. Telegraph Hill
Recreation Ground Telegraph Hill 9¾ acres L.C.C.
5. Railways and adjoining
land – 234 acres
6. Millwall Football
Ground – 5½ acres
7. Canals – 8 acres
8. St. Paul's Churchyard – 2.2 acres
9. Reservoir – 1 acre