London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1923

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1923

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The following report has been submitted by the Assistant
Medical Officer for Maternity and Child Welfare: —
I have the honour to submit the following report of the
work of the Maternity and Child Welfare Department.
The visits paid by the Health Visitors are set forth in
Table H.
The attendances at the Centres will be found in Table I.
New Sessions:—If these tables be compared with those for
1922 it will be seen that the work has considerably increased
during the year. The Ante-natal Clinic at 98, Rotherhithe New
Road, which was formerly held fortnightly has been held weekly
for the past nine months. At this clinic 211 cases were examined
during the year. Out of the 141 delivered; 122 were normal
successful deliveries: 19 being referred to hospital for treatment.
There were no maternal deaths- among the 211 ante-natal
cases. Two infants died during the first fortnight after birth.
Closer co-operation between the midwives and the ante-natal
clinic has been evinced during the year, the midwives often
finding time to accompany their patients.
At the request of the mothers a new sewing class was started
at the Manor Chapel Centre in November.
Changes in Staff. —Miss Sumner and Miss Taylor resigned
during the year, to take up work of a different nature. Their
vacancies have been very efficiently filled by Miss White and
Miss Mercer.
The Birth Rate for the year was 23.9. The Infantile Mortality
per 1,000 births was 76. Of these deaths 19 per cent. were due
to respiratory diseases, and 17 per cent. to diarrhoea and sickness.