Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915
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the births since these belong both to the civil and military population
In calculating the birth-rate, therefore, I am turning to the old
method of estimating the population, and have taken the larger
The total number of births registered in the Borough for the 52
weeks ended January 1st, 1916, was 3,482, consisting of 1,756 males
and 1,726 females. This is 262 below the average for the last 10
years, and 275 below the figure for 1914.
This total includes 2,306 for Bermondsey, being 196 below that
for 1914, and 345 below the average for the last 10 years; 991 for
Rotherhithe, being 41 below the number for 1914, and 88 below the
average for the last 10 years; and 185 for St. Olave, being 47 below
the number for 1914 and 59 below the average for the last 10 years.
In Table II. of the Appendix will be seen the figures for the last
10 years in the three registration sub-districts, and in Table I.
figures for the whole Borough.
The birth-rate for 1915 was 29-6 per thousand persons living,
which is 0.8 below that for 1914 and 1.7 below the average for the
last 10 years. Particulars of rates will be found in annexed Table
A. London is included for comparison.
A new departure with regard to births was made by the Registrar
-General in 1906. The births are corrected by distributing
those which occurred in the chief lying-in hospitals of the Metropolis
to the Boroughs in which the mothers had resided previous to admission
Those allocated to Bermondsey in 1915 number 28, and if they
are added to the above total the rate would be 29.9.